Fight aging! Namu Plastic Surgery suggests “Doublo Lifting” and “V-line Double Tox” as anti-aging secrets

With aging comes a number of things we must endure. These include wrinkles, the traces of time, and losing skin elasticity. These are problems that cannot be avoided even if you are born with a naturally beautiful and younger-looking appearance.
To turn the clock back for aged skin, it is recommended to tackle the direct causes affecting skin elasticity. Namu Plastic Surgery in Apgujeong-dong suggests “Doublo Lifting” for an instant lifting and elasticity improvement effect as well as a wrinkle smoothing effect.
Doublo Lifting is a procedure to produce a continued lifting effect with a low level of skin damage as only the parts causing skin sagging are selectively treated. Precision and accuracy are possible as the operator can monitor the skin layers directly through the display while carrying out the procedure. As the skin tissues in the operation area shrink, skin lifting is achieved.
But most importantly, this is a lifting procedure, not a surgery. This procedure is recommended for those who want to achieve visible effects through a convenient and simple technique, according to the clinicians. Doublo Lifting is particularly effective in cases where skin elasticity has been lost over the entire face causing sagging of the jaw line, sagging cheeks or a double chin.
President In-su Gwak of Namu Plastic Surgery explained, “Doublo Lifting produces a powerful lifting effect through only a single procedure. The skin is instantly lifted for two to four weeks after the procedure. Then, for up to six months afterwards, an overall anti-aging effect can be expected, such as acceleration of collagen synthesis and skin regeneration in the dermis, increased skin elasticity, pore reduction, and improved appearance of wrinkles.”
He continued, “It is quick and simple and does not leave any marks, so the patients can get back to their everyday life right after the procedure. With the strong lifting effect that tightens the skin from within, it is recommended for patients who wish to enjoy a younger-looking skin and also a slim jaw line.”
In addition, Namu Plastic Surgery provides V-line Double Tox, which is to concurrently administer Doublo Lifting and Botox injection to the chin for correcting a sagging jaw line. V-Line Double Tox produces a slimmer and more perfect facial shape.
Botox injection is completed in a short time of approximately five minutes. Namu Plastic Surgery insists on using only stability-proven genuine products, and thus has won a high level of trust from its patients. The procedure is carried under an analgesic program. Therefore, even those who are sensitive to pain or in fear of injections can receive the procedure with peace of mind. This procedure does not require any recovery period.
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